Monday, May 4, 2009

The Next Craze: Twitter

These past few weeks have been quite a change for me. I am use to working a fair amount during the week after having class all day, then coming home and doing homework, and hardly having any time to do anything else. Since the flood pretty much kicked me out of Valley, I have been home in Sheldon, a tiny little town in North Dakota. My job cut back many hours due to lack of business, so I have not been working for the past 2 weeks, this week will be the third. I have got to spend some time watching some of my favorite daytime talk shows, and many late night ones as well that I usually miss.

It seems Ellen, Oprah, Jay, and Chelsea Handler alllllllllllll mention the same thing during their shows: Twitter. EVERYONE is talking about twitter. It seems (to me anyway) to have popped up overnight. The websites popularity has grown crazily. Everyone who is anyone “tweets”.

According to Wikipedia, Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers).

I think it is so funny that something like this is brought up in daily conversation and on these talk shows. These famous people refer to “tweeting” almost daily. Just think what Johnny Carson would say! It is interesting to see how Twitter has changed the lives of people.

We have become so dependent on technology. Today, I have spent almost all day on my computer doing homework. Between Facebook, MSN messenger, and my cell phone I have talked to about six of my friends. None face to face or even on the phone. It is amazing how popular texts and Facebook and most recently Twitter, have become. I am not yet on Twitter, but perhaps it will only be a matter of time.

Talking about an advance in technology, our school comes to mind. Today, our entire college is able to take all classes online to finish the school year. That is amazing (but frustrating and stressful) that this is even an option.


  1. Personally, I think facebook is enough for me. At one point, I attempted to add MySpace, and I could not figure it out. It just goes to prove, however, that communication is continuously evolving and morphing to meet our demanding needs. At what point, however, are we going to say enough. When does the communication method begin to get to advanced for even our needs. That is the next step in society. Probably years away though. I was forced to get a Twitter account because when the flood was happening, that was the way VCSU communicated with us and for the three nights I used it, I HATED IT. It was too complicated for me! HAHA

  2. I think I have every social networking site ever invented including Twitter. The only ones that I check and update frequently are MySpace and Facebook, though. I like you have been talking to my friends virtually a lot more now that school has been switched to online classes. I still go to work but miss my face-to-face classes a lot. Sometimes all these technology communication channels are too overwhelming for me. I still like to visit with someone in person over a Facebook chat.

  3. I personaally do not have Twitter and I do not see myself getting it, but who knows. It is amazing how far social networking has become. At first people were going crazy because they were able to send emails to each other and then instant messaging came along. Now you can find friends and family that you have not talked to for years and get in touch with them again. It is amazing how our college can finish the year online, and I agree it can be stressful at times

  4. Twitter – who came up with that name?! I’ve heard the celebs talk about it too – usually with a chuckle afterwards, or a joke of some kind. I hope our world is not becoming disconnected physically because of technology. I am not a person we seeks energy from others but there are times when social events are very important and I can’t wait to attend them. I have a face book page because my daughter signed me up. I still haven’t a clue how to use it and frankly it’s not a priority for me. And (nothing personal meant to Dr. VanHorn) but this will be the last time I do a blog.
