Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finally Done With Homework!

The last blog of the semester! After a few weeks of stressful online classes I am definitely looking forward to a summer without homework. Considering that homework has been the main stressor in my life for the past few weeks I decided to blog about it. Yes, a homework blog about homework.

There have been a few recent studies that show that homework handed out to kids in grades kindergarten through 6th grade could actually do them more harm than good. Not only is it an added stressor in a young child’s life, but it also cuts into family time at home. After a day of work or school, parents usually want to come home and spend time with their children, not spend the whole evening doing homework until bedtime.

According to this website “Parents who were surveys say that they agree with the work ethic homework promotes, but it seriously cuts into valuable family time for many families, as parents are left to help their children with the ‘evil deed’ that their teachers assigned.”

If you think about it, in elementary school and high school, many students are up at 7 in the morning and are at school until 3:30 pm. Then it is expected that they go home and do a few hours of homework? No wonder more and more students are getting burnt out.

Honestly, I can say I really didn’t get much out of homework. I am not saying that because I hate doing it (which is also true) but honestly, most of my learning was done in the classroom in elementary, middle, and high school where a teacher was there if I had questions. I had a job in high school and when I would get home at 10:30 p.m. the last thing I would want to do is stay up until 1 a.m. doing homework and then getting up at 7 to go back to school the next day.

I believe homework is necessary in college, (some people disagree) but I also think the amount we have had at VCSU the past few weeks has been insane. The majority of my days have been taken up by literally hours upon hours of homework.

ENJOY your summer now that we are homework free!

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